I love my church

I had a moment last Sunday when I had to gently slap myself in the face because I was in a state of disbelief.

I looked across the room and I couldn’t believe the living testimonies of hope and healing that were present. I couldn’t believe the stories of reconciliation. I couldn’t believe the sounds of laughters because of great joy that echoed across the room.

I couldn’t believe it because I know where these people have come from. Their hurts, their fears and their insecurities.

I couldn’t believe it because I know the deep imperfections of our church community. Our worries, our biases, and our prejudices.

I couldn’t believe it because I know the pain and trials that many people are going through. Their losses, cries, and anxieties.

But I saw it. I heard it. I felt it. This group of people showed me the power of God’s transforming work through the Gospel. They didn’t have to string a coherent argument. They sang a song of praise. They didn’t articulate their faith in prose. They accompanied each other through trials and tragedies. They showed grace, love, and mercy in surprising ways – ways that pointed people to Christ. God’s work in their life and their willingness to live it out made it possible to believe.

I love this group of people. And I love that I get to be their pastor.

*first posted on Facebook/Instagram on August 24, 2023

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