An opportunity to serve in Malaysia

Hi friends, I think most of you know that I was born and raised in Malaysia. Some of my most formative years were spent there. And I love the country.

Since 2011, I’ve been praying and asking that the Lord would be so gracious as to allow me to serve Malaysia in some shape or form. Different opportunities and options came up at different times. But there never really was quite the right fit.

This is why I’m super excited about this opportunity. This appointment will allow me to bring together my heart for training, my pastoral ministry and teaching experience, and my love for church history, and allow me to exercise them in a way that is consistent with my missiological convictions. I seriously can’t wait.

A few points worth reinforcing:

1. I am not leaving GracePoint. I will continue to be Campus Pastor at Lidcombe. I love our people there and it’s my deep joy to be able to see the Gospel take root and bear fruit through their lives.

2. I will continue teaching the Early Church History unit at Christ College. The Right Reverend David Burke and I will again co-teach the subject in 2024. David is similarly passionate about global theological education.

3. I will be teaching about half of the Church History Survey subject online and will fly across near the end of Semester 1 to teach a residency/intensive to finish off the course.

4. This subject is part of a relatively new degree program that is jointly offered by Equip Gospel Ministries and Malaysia Bible Seminary. I’m really excited about this because I think that encouraging, equipping, and enabling local people to reach their city and country is one of the best strategies for missions. I’m profoundly grateful for their invitation to be part of this exciting venture.

5. I’m really grateful for the Session (Elders) at GracePoint who prayerfully discussed Equip’s invitation for the appointment and then graciously released me to do this important work. We continue to speak about reaching the nations and generations. Our hope and prayer is that this would play a really smart part in fulfilling the “nations” bit of our vision.

So if you’re in Malaysia and you’ve always wanted to do a Bachelor of Theology or Master of Divinity, then join us! This is a first year subject. You’ll be able to do the subject online for most of the semester and then spend about a week or so in PJ for the in-person residency.

I’m also hoping to gather some friends who would be willing to partner with me in prayer. It’ll likely be in the form of a Facebook group where I’ll post updates and prayer points. Malaysia could really be a powerhouse for missions. Oh join in me praying that it would be so. Comment below if you’d like to be part of that!

*Originally posted on Facebook on September 21, 2023

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